Wednesday, July 30, 2008

You Know You Are Blogging Too Much When...?

Top ten answers:

10) You just realized you missed the 6am minion.

9) You just realized you missed the 6am minion, and you dont care! (after all there is always the 6:30, the 7am, the 7:30am...)

8) You forgot that blogging was originally going to be another, get rich quick scheme for you.

7) Your boss just called on the phone, "you forgot to pick up your paycheck on friday".

6) People are calling you on the phone, and sending you e-mails, but you dont pick up the phone or answer the e-mails because you are too busy blogging.

5) People are telling about this great job that you should look into but you dont because, well your too busy blogging.

4) You are starting to lose weight because blogging keeps you from eating.

3) You stopped dating, even though you are still single. because you figure eh, if they want to get to know me, they can just read my blog.

2) Your daughter is late getting to camp, because even though she was ready like 5 minutes ago, you had this great idea, and just had to get it on the web!

1) You leave your computer on day and night, because you never know when some great inspiration is going to hit you, and it will take you too long to let your computer boot up!
Before I Became Frum

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